Thursday, November 27, 2008

This is totally going on my blog...

First a note about this blog: As the subtitle implies, I've started this blog in the hope that it will act as a device to flesh out and organize my own ideas about economics and to aid in learning some new tricks. Doing so with an audience, even if that audience is limited to my wife and bored friends and family, will help provide some discipline. Second, there is a paucity of quality Canadian economics blogs. One is the excellent Worthwhile Canadian Initiative, I can't think of any others. My hope is to approach their level of quality, but I expect to fall woefully short.

What you can expect to find here - macroeconomic analysis of the Canadian and US economies. I'm hoping to start a forecast log to keep track of my own predictions, but that project is still under development. My interests are mainly monetary policy, exchange rates and financial markets, and so that is likely what i'll be posting about.

Lastly, I realize the best blogs are ones that have frequent new material and so I'll do my best to post as often as possible.

On with the show!


Stephen Gordon said...

Woo hoo!

That pretty much sums up how and why I started. Hopefully, there will be more than your wife and I who read this.

Welcome to the still-far-too-small club!

Maggie May said...

Thanks Stephen. I've had a lot of visitors directed from WCI, so thanks again!.